Matteo Pistono
Matteo (Matthew) Pistono ist Schriftsteller, Meditationslehrer und Schüler des engagierten Buddhismus. Er ist der Autor von „Roar: Sulak Sivaraksa and the Path of Socially Engaged Buddhism“ (Sathirakoses-Nagapradipa Foundation, März 2017), Fearless in Tibet: The Life of the Mystic Tertön Sogyal (Hay House, 2014) und In the Shadow of the Buddha: Secret Journeys, Sacred Histories, and Spiritual Discovery in Tibet (Dutton-Penguin, 2011) und schrieb über tibetische, Himalaja- und südostasiatische Kultur-, politische und spirituelle Landschaften für eine Reihe von Publikationen, darunter die Washington Post, Global Post, BBC’s In-Pictures, Men’s Journal, Kyoto Journal und Himal Southasian.
Matteo (Matthew) Pistono is a writer, teacher of meditation, and student of engaged Buddhism. He is the author of „Roar: Sulak Sivaraksa and the Path of Socially Engaged Buddhism“ (Sathirakoses-Nagapradipa Foundation, March 2017), Fearless in Tibet: The Life of the Mystic Tertön Sogyal (Hay House, 2014) and In the Shadow of the Buddha: Secret Journeys, Sacred Histories, and Spiritual Discovery in Tibet (Dutton-Penguin, 2011), and has written about Tibetan, Himalayan, and Southeast Asian cultural, political, and spiritual landscapes for a number of publications including The Washington Post, Global Post, BBC’s In-Pictures, Men’s Journal, Kyoto Journal, and Himal Southasian.
Bücher von Matteo Pistono
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